Thursday, January 9, 2020

Comparison of Selected Labor Laws in Pakistan and India Essay

Law Report Comparison of Selected Labor Laws in Pakistan and India Table of Contents Labor Laws in Pakistan 1 Collective Bargaining and Settlement of Industrial Disputes 2 Contract Employment 2 Labor laws related to Fixed Term Contracts 2 Employment Termination 3 Labor Regulations Related to Consultations and Notifications Prior to Collective Dismissal 3 Severance pay for redundancy dismissal (in months) 3 Conditions of Work Hours/Leave 4 Labor law provisions related to conditions of work hours 4 Sources: 5 Labor Laws in Pakistan Since the creation of Pakistan, successive governments have announced five labor policies in the year 1955, 1959, 1969, 1972 and 2002. All these polices basically laid-down the†¦show more content†¦Pakistan’ government has amended its Industrial Relations Act in 2012, stipulates that at least 20% of workmen should be members of a Union to be entitled for registration. However, when it comes to collective bargaining, the Act stipulates that the Union with at least one-third of workers employed in an establishment will be eligible to be the collective bargaining agent. In India the Trade Unions Act (1926) is applied. No trade union shall be registered in India unless at least ten percent or one hundred of the workmen, whichever is less, in an establishment are members of such trade union. Further, the amendment states that no trade union shall be registered unless it has a minimum membership of seven persons. Contract Employment In every country, employment contracts are divided into various types of work relationships distinguishing between apprentices, casual workers, permanent and temporary workers. In Pakistan Industrial and Commercial Employment (Standing Industrial and Commercial Employment (Standing Orders) Ordinance 1968 addresses contractual relationship between employee and employer. It is applicable on establishments employing 20 or more workers. Under the West Pakistan Industrial and Commercial Employment (Standing Orders) Ordinance, workers whose employment has been terminated for any reason other than misconduct are entitled to severance pay or aShow MoreRelatedLong Run Growth Of Pakistan3589 Words   |  15 PagesLong-run Growth in Pakistan Ashoni Kumar April 26, 2015 Abstract: Growth rate of Pakistan over the past sixty years have been both impressive as well as disappointing too. The reason why the economy is recognized being impressive is because of the rapid growth rate that had its quadrupling impact over per capita income as well as reduction in the poverty. During the same span of time the country fairly performed in sustain inflation too. 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