Monday, November 4, 2019

Answer Questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Answer Questions - Essay Example Companies’ growth as consumers helps them understand consumer mentality better. When companies play consumers, they are able to understand what aspect of service provision works and what does not work. Companies that grow as consumers will make information informed decisions on how to address customers’ needs. Usually, companies merge to save on costs, increase their market share and raise their financial strength. Merged companies spread their fixed costs for large production volumes, reduce their unit costs and increases margins. This happens after price negotiations with suppliers. The merger between Comcast-NBC and Time Warner concentrated the media. The merger increased my choices and gave me a wider selection of channels. I liked the quality of their service of the merger that came at lower costs. The AOL – Time Warner merger exemplified the concepts of chapter ten such as horizontal integration. The two companies are in the same industry and provide the same services. It is likely that the resultant business will be more powerful, will have a larger market share and will achieve higher profits and sales revenue. The merger has improved my understanding of the concept of company growth. This merger was an element of external growth because it involved larger amounts of money and is therefore growth through integration. During a precious project, I realized that face-to-face communication between colleagues is crucial. Other forms of communication especially electronic hinder an accurate delivery of the intended message. I used face-to-face communication because it allows the incoming service provider to ask questions, rethink service plans, and seek clarifications on content and instructions. I ensured that we used uniform and consistent language all through the handoff. In doing this, I optimized on precision

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