Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Narrative Essay on a Memorable Incident

Narrative Essay on a Memorable Incident There are those incidences that happen in life that are so memorable they continue to linger in one’s mind; however, such events usually leave a permanent mark in the lives of individuals and offer lessons that cannot be erased by any other experience in life. My memory event took place several years ago when, due to my curiosity, I decided to accompany my grandfather to the hospital. Due to his old age, my grandfather had begun experiencing major problems with his left eye. He had visited the hospital on many occasions to seek treatment but his condition was not getting any better. Finally, his doctor told him the only remedy left was to go for an eye operation as a way of trying to correct the abnormality with his eye. Since it was a weekend and I did not have any classes that day and did not have any other obligations, I thought it would be a good idea to accompany my grandfather to the hospital rather than stay at home and be bored. The tight relationship that had develope d between my grandfather and me also made it very easy for me to accompany him, despite the fear I had of operations and hospitals in general. My uncle drove us to the hospital; 30 minutes after arriving at the hospital and ensuring that my grandfather had checked in, my uncle left for a commitment he had to take care of. Luckily, there were several helpful nurses available to offer any assistance that my grandfather required and the doctors were very friendly. The nurses sensed the high level of nervousness that both my grandfather and I were feeling and talked to us so nicely that we ended up relaxing and perceiving the operation as something normal and nothing to worry much about. It was not long before both my grandfather and I felt relaxed and ready for the operation, as we forgot the high degree of nervousness we had felt just a few moments earlier. I have always had this fear of doctors and injections, so even as I began to relax, thoughts of the impending operation could not escape my mind, since I knew the operation would be more serious than the injections that I feared so much. Interestingly, the whole operation lasted only an hour and my grandfather was wheeled out of the operation with a bandage on the operated eye, but he was conscious and in very high spirits. I cannot forget the look on my grandfather’s face and the feeling of relief he expressed, knowing that the problem with his eye was finally over. At that very moment, my fear of doctors vanished and I began appreciating the important role that doctors play in everyday life. That is the moment I decided that I wanted to be a doctor and, currently, I am pursuing a course in medicine. Tips on Writing a Narrative Essay: Remember that the events in your essay must be positioned in chronological order. Otherwise, it will be difficult for the readers to follow your story. In addition to that, it is better if your story has a purpose. Sometimes, simple retelling of particular events is not enough even for high school. If you are looking for the best place to get custom essays from academic experts, CustomWritings.com can be a good solution for you!

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